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Subjects Taught

  • CBS 3408 Language Acquisition

  • CBS 483 Introduction to Language Learning and Development

  • CBS 4701 Project in Language Studies (co-taught, supervising BACBS student research projects)

  • CBS 4999 Project in Language and Speech Sciences (co-taught, supervising BALSS student research projects)

  • CBS 574 Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Learning

  • CBS 592 Psycholinguistics

  • CBS 5133 Foundations in Linguistics and Language Sciences III

  • CBS 5299 Research Project I (co-taught, supervising MST student research projects)

  • CBS 5399 Research Project II (co-taught, supervising MST student research projects)

  • CBS 5241 Paediatric Communication Disorders: Assessment and Treatment I (co-taught, Case Manager for 3 paediatric language PBL problems; instructor for 1 seminar)

  • CBS 5242 Paediatric Communication Disorders: Assessment and Treatment II (co-taught, Case Manager for 1 paediatric language PBL problem; instructor for 1 seminar)

  • CBS 513 Topics in Chinese Grammar (co-taught with Dr Yao Yao, Dr Jiang Yan, and Prof Shi Dingxu)

  • CBS 6841 Current Issues in Psycholinguistic and Neurolinguistic Research (guided study subject for PhD students, co-taught with Dr Yao Yao, Dr Leung Man Tak, Dr Dustin Lau)

  • CBS 6842 Advanced Theories in Psycholinguistics (guided study subject for PhD students, co-taught with Dr Yao Yao & Dr Leung Man Tak)

  • CBS6404 Practicum I (for PhD student)

  • CBS6405 Practicum II (for PhD student)

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