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Funded Research Projects

(a) Research Grants Council (RGC)-funded Projects as Principal Investigator or Chief Supervisor in Recent Three Years:​

(b) Other Projects as Principal Investigator in Recent Three Years:

Autobiographical memory and personal narratives and their association in Mandarin-speaking elementary children and adolescents with and without Autism: a pilot study


Co-Investigators: Marleen Westerveld (Griffith University); Carol Westby (Bilingual Multicultural Services)

Innovating Multilingual Assessment and Intervention in the Education of Speech Therapists: Building Capacity in the Use of Automatic Speech Recognition Technologies for Serving Cantonese-Speaking Multilingual Children


Co-Principal Investigators: Man-Wai MAK (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University); Brian MacWhinney (Carnegie Mellon University, Director of TalkBank)

(c) Other On-going Funded Projects as Co-Investigator:

(c)Other on-going funded projects as Co-Investigator.png
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