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(a) Work Forthcoming or Under Review or Revisions (* denotes student author, @ postdoc, #corresponding author)

Collaboration with The Australian National University

  1. With @Lai, J. & Kidd. E. (forthcoming, in preparation). Measuring auditory statistical learning abilities in Cantonese-speaking children with and without Developmental Language Disorder: the Cantonese-adapted statistically induced chunking recall (SICR) task. Order of authorship and target journal TBC.

  2. With @Lai, J. Polišenská, K., Chiat S. & Kidd. E. (forthcoming, in preparation). Relationship between auditory statistical learning abilities and non-word repetition: evidence from Cantonese-speaking children with and without Developmental Language Disorder. Order of authorship and target journal TBC.

Collaboration with Griffth University

  1. *Srivastavaa, V., Chan, A. & Westerveld, M. F. (forthcoming, in preparation). How we may support autistic children in their life experiences: Insights from what Hindi-speaking children with and without autism talk and do not talk about in their personal stories. Target journal TBC.

Collaboration with City, University of London

  1. *Fu, N.C., #Chan, A., Chen, S, Polišenská, K. & Chiat S. (forthcoming, in preparation). Sub-lexical effects of nonword repetition in Cantonese-speaking children with and without Developmental Language Disorder: CV combination attestedness and neighourhood density. Target journal TBC.

  2. With Polišenská, K., Chiat, S., *Fu, N.C., and others. (forthcoming, in preparation). Is the Crosslinguistic Nonword Repetition Test valid crosslinguistically? Evidence from performance in different language groups and countries. Order of authorship and target journal TBC.

Collaboration with Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics, ZAS), Berlin

  1. @Lai, J., Chan, A., *Hui, S., *Lee, E., *Kong, C., *Wong, S., Wong, K. & Gagarina, N. (forthcoming, in preparation). Narrative production in Cantonese-speaking school-aged children with and without Developmental Language Disorder: new evidence from the Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (MAIN). Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools.

  2. *Srivastava, V., Chan, A. & Gagarina, N. (forthcoming, in preparation). Narrative measures differentiating bilingual children with and without Developmental Language Disorder: a review article. Order of authorship and target journal TBC.


Collaboration with CNRS Aix-en-Provence

  1. #Chan, A., Si, C., Zhang, C.C., Shao, J., Fung, R., Sadat, J., Lam, H.C., *MST students, & Pinto, S. (under revisions). Lexical tone production in Cantonese-speaking patients with Parkinson's disease: medication effects, F0 curve analyses and intelligibility evaluations. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research.



  1. *Lin, J. Y., Chen, X. C., Huang, X. N., Wong, P., Chan, A., Ullman, M. T. Zhang, C. C. (under first round of review).  Semantic overreliance as a suboptimal compensation for syntactic impairments in children with Developmental Language Disorder. Special issue on “Developmental Language Disorder in Chinese – Status of the Research Landscape and New Frontiers.” Brain and Language.


(b)  Journal Articles (#corresponding author; *denotes student author, @ postdoc)

  1. *Fu, N.C., #Chan, A., Chen, S, Polišenská, K., Kan, R. & Chiat S. (in press). Revisiting nonword repetition as a clinical marker of Developmental Language Disorder: Evidence from monolingual and bilingual L2 Cantonese. Special issue on “Developmental Language Disorder in Chinese – Status of the Research Landscape and New Frontiers.” Brain and Language.

  2. Yang, W.C., Chan, A., & Gagarina, N. (2024) Remote Online Language Assessment: Eliciting Discourse from Children and Adults. Editorial article on the Research Topic at Frontiers in Psychology: Psychology of Language

  3. Chen, S., Zhang, Y., Zhou, F., Chan, A., Li, B., Li, B., Tang, P. Y., Chun, E. & Chen, Z. (2024). Focus-marking in a tonal language: prosodic differences between Cantonese-speaking children with and without autism spectrum disorder. PLoS ONE

  4. @Lai, J., Chan, A. & Kidd, E. (2024). Production of relative clauses in Cantonese-speaking children with and without Developmental Language Disorder. Special issue on “Developmental Language Disorder in Chinese – Status of the Research Landscape and New Frontiers.”Brain and Language

  5. *Hamdani, S., #Chan, A., @Kan, R., Chiat, S., Gagarina, N., Haman, E., Łuniewska, M., Polišenská, K., & Armon-Lotem, S. (2024). Identifying Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) in multilingual children: A case study tutorial. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology

  6. Wong. A, *Au, C., Chan, A. & Mohammad, M. (2024). A comparison of learning and retention of a syntactic construction between Cantonese-speaking children with and without Developmental Language Disorder in a priming task. Special issue on “Developmental Language Disorder in Chinese – Status of the Research Landscape and New Frontiers”. Brain and Language 

  7. *Fu, N.C., Chen, S, Polišenská, K., #Chan, A., Kan, R. & Chiat S. (2024). Nonword Repetition in Children with Developmental Language Disorder: Revisiting the Case of Cantonese. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research

  8. Chen, S., @Wang, B. X., Zhou, F., Liu, J., Xiao, C., Chan, A., Tang, T. (2024). English prosodic focus marking by Cantonese trilingual children with and without autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.

  9. Gagarina, N., Chan, A., & @Yang, W.C. (2024-2022, edited) Remote Online Language Assessment: Eliciting Discourse from Children and Adults. Research Topic at Frontiers in Psychology: Psychology of Language. (featuring 10 published articles, 8 languages, and 29 institutions and 13 countries where the 54 authors are affiliated)

  10. *Lai, J., Chan, A. & Kidd, E. (2023). Relative clause comprehension in Cantonese-speaking children with and without Developmental Language Disorder. PLOS ONE. 

  11. *Srivastavaa, V., Chan, A. & Westerveld, M. F. (2023). What do children from India talk about: Personal narratives of typically developing Hindi-speaking children from Uttar Pradesh. Special issue on “Evaluating Children’s Personal Narrative Skills using the Global TALES Protocol: Implications for Practice.” Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica. 75 (6): 447–455.  

  12. *Hong, Y.T., Chen, S., Zhou, F., Chan, A. & Tang, T. (2023). Phonetic Entrainment in Human-Robot Interaction: An Investigation of Children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder. Frontiers in Psychology: Psychology of Language.

  13. #Chan, A., Chen, S., *Tse, B., *Hamdani, S., Cheng, K. (2023). Story telling in bilingual Urdu-Cantonese ethnic minority children in Hong Kong: macrostructure and its relation to microstructural linguistic skills. Frontiers in Psychology: Psychology of Language

  14. @Yang, W.C., #Chan, A. & Gagarina, N. (2023). Left-behind status and language proficiency predict narrative abilities in the home language of Kam-speaking minority children in China. Frontiers in Psychology: Psychology of Language.

  15. Brandt, S., Li, H. L., & Chan, A. (2023). What makes a complement false? Looking at the effects of verbal semantics and perspective in Mandarin children’s interpretation of complement clauses and their false-belief understanding. Cognitive Linguistics.

  16. #Chan, A., Matthews, S., *Tse, N., Chang, F., Kidd, E. (2021). Revisiting subject-object asymmetry in the production of Cantonese relative clauses: evidence from elicited production in three-year-olds. Frontiers in Psychology: Psychology of Language

  17. *Yang, W.C., #Chan, A., Chang, F. & Kidd, E. (2020). Four-year-old Mandarin-speaking children's online comprehension of relative clauses. Cognition.     

  18. Yao, Y., #Chan, A., Fung, R., Wu, W.L., *Leung, N., *Lee, S., & *Luo, J. (2020). Cantonese tone production in pre-school Urdu-Cantonese bilingual minority children. International Journal of Bilingualism.  

  19. @Kan R. T-Y., #Chan, A. & Gagarina N. (2020). Investigating Children’s Narrative Abilities in a Chinese and Multilingual Context: Cantonese, Mandarin, Kam and Urdu Adaptations of the Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (MAIN). Frontiers in Psychology: Psychology of Language. 11:573780.

  20. Chen, J.D., Narasimhan, B., Chan, A., *Yang, W.C., & *Yang, S. (2020). Information Structure and Different Preferences for Word Order in Conjoined Noun Phrases in Child and Adult Speech of Mandarin Chinese. Languages. 5(2), 14;

  21. #Chan, A., Cheng, K., @Kan, R., Wong, A. M-Y., Fung, R., *Wong, J., *Cheng, T., *Cheung, A., *Yuen, K., *Chui, B., *Lo, J. & Gagarina, N. (2020). The Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (MAIN): Adding Cantonese to MAIN. ZAS Papers in Linguistics, 64, 23–29.

  22. *Luo, J., *Yang, W.C., #Chan, A., Cheng, K., @Kan, R. & Gagarina, N. (2020). The Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (MAIN): Adding Mandarin to MAIN. ZAS Papers in Linguistics, 64, 159–162.

  23. *Hamdani, S., @Kan, R., Chan, A. & Gagarina, N. (2020). The Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (MAIN): Adding Urdu to MAIN. ZAS Papers in Linguistics, 64, 257– 261.

  24. *Yang, W.C., Chan, A. & Gagarina, N. (2020). The Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (MAIN): Adding Kam to MAIN. ZAS Papers in Linguistics, 64, 147–151.

  25. *Tsoi, E, *Yang, W.C., #Chan, A. & Kidd, E. (2019). Mandarin-English speaking bilingual and Mandarin speaking monolingual children’s comprehension of relative clauses. Applied Psycholinguistics. 40 (4), pp. 933-964  

  26. Wang, S-C., Huang, C-R., Yao, Y. & Chan, A. (2019). The effect of morphological structure on semantic transparency ratings. Language and Linguistics. 2:20. pp.225-255

  27. #Chan, A., *Yang, W.C., Chang, F. & Kidd, E. (2018). Four-year-old Cantonese-speaking children’s online processing of relative clauses: A permutation analysis. Journal of Child Language. 45(1), pp. 174-203.

  28. #Chan, A., Chen, S., Matthews, S. & Yip, V. (2017). Comprehension of subject and object relative clauses in a trilingual acquisition context. Frontiers in Psychology: Psychology of Language.

  29. *Wang, S-C., Huang, C-R., Yao, Y. & Chan, A. (2017). Word Intuition Agreement among Chinese Speakers: A Mechanical Turk-Based Study. Lingua Sinica. Vol. 3.

  30. Pinto, S., Chan, A., Guimarães, I., Rothe-Neves, R. & Sadat, J. (2017). A cross-linguistic perspective to the study of dysarthria in Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Phonetics.

  31. Kidd, E., Chan, A. & *Chiu, J. (2015). Cross-linguistic influence in simultaneous Cantonese-English bilingual children’s comprehension of relative clauses. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 18 (3), 438–452

  32. #Chan, A. (2010). The Cantonese double object construction with bei2 ‘give’ in bilingual children: the role of input. International Journal of Bilingualism. 14(1): 65-85.

  33. #Chan, A., Meints, K., Lieven, E. & Tomasello, M. (2010). Young children’s comprehension of English SVO word order revisited: testing the same children in act-out and intermodal preferential looking tasks. Cognitive Development. 25(1): 30-45.

  34. #Chan, A., Lieven, E. & Tomasello. M. (2009). Children’s understanding of the agent-patient relations in the transitive construction: cross-linguistic comparisons between Cantonese, German and English. Cognitive Linguistics, 20(2): 267-300.


(c) Book Chapters (#corresponding author; * student author)

  1. *#Lai, J., #Chan, A. & Matthews, S. (2023). Beyond relative clauses: The development of noun-modifying clause constructions in Cantonese. In W.F. Han & C. Brebner (eds). Typical and Atypical Language Development in Cultural and Linguistic Diversity. (pp. 40-63). UK: Routledge.

  2. Chun, E., Chen, S., Liu, S.L. & Chan, A. (2021). Influence of syntactic complexity on second language prediction. In E. Kaan & T. Grüter. (eds). Prediction in Second Language Processing and Learning. John Benjamins. pp.69-89.

  3. *劉兆靜 陳詠珊. (2017) 浅谈物性结构对汉语儿童语言习得的影响:以名词修饰结构为例. 宋作艳、黄居仁 主编《生成词库理论与汉语研究》商务印书馆. *Liu, Z.J. & Chan, A. (2017). How qualia structure influences Mandarin children’s language acquisition: evidence from noun- modifying constructions. In Z.Y. Song & C.R. Huang (eds). Generative Lexicon: Theory and Research on Mandarin Chinese. Beijing: Commercial Press.

  4. Rowland, C., Claire, N. & Chan, A. (2014). Competition all the way down: How children learn word order cues to sentence meaning. In B. MacWhinney, A. Malchukov & E. A. Moravcsik (eds). Competing Motivations in Grammar and Usage. Oxford University Press. pp.127-143.

  5. #Chan, A., Matthews, S. & Yip, V. (2011). The acquisition of relative clauses in Cantonese and Mandarin. In E. Kidd (ed). The Acquisition of Relative Clauses: Processing, Typology and Function. John Benjamins. pp.197:225.


(d) Refereed Conference Presentations in Recent Three Years (all are international major conferences, *student author, @postdoc)

  1. Chan, A., @Lai, J. & Mo, M. (2024). Sentence Repetition as a Diagnostic Screening Tool for Developmental Language Disorder in Cantonese: Evidence from the Cantonese LITMUS-Sentence Repetition Task. The Australian Linguistic Society Annual Conference 2024 (ALS2024). Australian National University, 26-29 Nov, 2024. 

  2. Chen, X.C., *Lin, J.Y., Chan, A., Ullman, M.T., Wong, M.N. & Zhang, C.C. (2024). Reduced White Matter Integrity in Cantonese-Speaking Children with Developmental Language Disorder: Preliminary Evidence Supporting the Procedural Circuit Deficit Hypothesis. The Society for the Neurobiology of Language 16th Annual Meeting (SNL2024), Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Australia, 24-26 Oct, 2024.  

  3. Polišenská, K., Chan, A., Kapalková, S., Chiat S., Chen, S., *Fu, N.C., *Hamdani, S., Janíková, M., Kan, R., & Zubáková, M. (2024). Crosslinguistic nonword repetition: Evidence across diverse language communities. Paper presented at Child Language Symposium 2024 (CLS2024). 9-11 July 2024. Newcastle University. UK.

  4. *Hamdani, S., Chan, A., Polišenská, K., Kan, R. & Chiat, S. (2024). Nonword repetition in Urdu-speaking children with and without Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). Poster presented at The International Association for the Study of Child Language Congress (IASCL 2024). July 15-19, 2024. Prague, Czech Republic.

  5. *Srivastavaa, V., Chan, A. & Westerveld, M. F. (2024). What topics do Hindi-speaking children, with and without Autism, talk about in their personal narratives. Poster presented at The International Association for the Study of Child Language Congress (IASCL 2024). July 15-19, 2024. Prague, Czech Republic.

  6. *Srivastavaa, V., Chan, A. & Westerveld, M. F. (2024). Topics of personal narratives of Hindi-speaking children with and without Autism. Rapid impact talk presented at The Speech Pathology Australia (SPA) 2024 National Conference. Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre. 26-29 May 2024.

  7. @Lai, J., Chan, A., *Hui, S., *Lee, E., *Kong, C., *Wong, S., Wong, K. & Gagarina, N. (2023). Narrative production in trilingual L1 Cantonese-speaking children with and without Developmental Language Disorder: New evidence from Cantonese MAIN. The Australian Linguistic Society Annual Conference 2023 (ALS2023). The University of Sydney, 29 Nov – 1 Dec, 2023.

  8. *Lai, J., Chan, A. & Kidd, E. (2023). Profiling the production of relative clauses in trilingual L1 Cantonese children with Developmental Language Disorder. The 32nd World Congress of the International Association of Communication Sciences and Disorders (IALP). Auckland. 20-24 August, 2023.

  9. *Srivastava, V., Chan, A. & Gagarina, M. (2023). Narrative abilities of bilingual children with typical development and bilingual children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD): a systematic review. The 32nd World Congress of the International Association of Communication Sciences and Disorders (IALP). Auckland. 20-24 August, 2023.

  10. *Lai, J., Chan, A. & Kidd, E. (2023). Production of relative clauses in trilingual L1 Cantonese children with and without Developmental Language Disorder. International Symposium on Bilingualism 14 (ISB 14). Macquarie University. Sydney. 26-30 June, 2023.

  11. Yang, W.C., Chan, A. & Gagarina, N. (2023). Narrative production in home language of left-behind Kam-Mandarin-speaking bilinguals in China. International Symposium on Bilingualism 14 (ISB 14). Macquarie University. Sydney. 26-30 June, 2023.

  12. *Srivastava, V., Chan, A. & Gagarina, M. (2023). A comparison of narrative abilities between bilingual children with typical development and bilingual children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD): A systematic review. International Symposium on Bilingualism 14 (ISB 14). Macquarie University. Sydney. 26-30 June, 2023.

  13. *Fu, N.C., Chen, S, Polišenská, K., Chan, A., Kan, R. & Chiat S. (2023). Nonword Repetition in Children with Developmental Language Disorder: Revisiting the Case of Cantonese. (2023). The Speech Pathology Australia (SPA) 2023 National Conference. Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart. 21-24 May, 2023.

  14. *Hamdani, S., Chan, A., Gagarina, N., Haman, E., Łuniewska, M. & Armon-Lotem, S. (2022). Learning Urdu as A Minority Heritage Language: Reduced Input Effects and Linguistic Vulnerabilities. The Australian Linguistic Society Annual Conference 2022 (ALS2022). The University of Melbourne. 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2022. 

  15. *Lai, J. Chan, A. & Kidd, E. (2022). Comprehension of Relative Clauses in Cantonese-speaking Children with and without Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). The Australian Linguistic Society Annual Conference 2022 (ALS2022). The University of Melbourne. 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2022. 

  16. *Lai, J., Chan, A. & Matthews S. (2022). Beyond relative clauses in English and Indo-European languages: A corpus study of noun-modifying clause constructions in Cantonese-speaking children’s naturalistic speech. The Languages and Cultures Network for Australian Universities (LCNAU) Seventh Biennial Colloquium, The University of Melbourne, 28-30 Nov 2022.

  17. *Au, C., Wong, A., & Chan, A. (2022). Implicit Learning of Relative Clauses in School-aged Cantonese speaking Children with and without Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). International DLD Research Conference 2022. 19-21 Sep 2022. Virtual conference.

  18. *Hamdani, S., Chan, A., Kan, R., Chiat, S., Gagarina, N., Haman, E., Łuniewska, M., Polišenská, K., & Armon-Lotem, S. (2022). Identifying Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) in bilingual children during the pandemic: examining the potential of remote online assessments. The Speech Pathology Australia (SPA) 2022 National Conference. Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. 22-25 May 2022.

  19. *Fu, N.C., Chen, S, Polišenská, K., Chan, A., Kan, R. & Chiat S. (2022). Nonword Repetition in Children with Developmental Language Disorder: Revisiting the Case of Cantonese. Poster presented at the 4th Bi-SLI Bi/multilingualism and Specific Language Impairment (Developmental Language Disorder) 2022 conference. Hybrid (Berlin, Zoom), 9 and 10 May 2022. **(acceptance rate: 25% for oral presentations, and 38% for posters)**

  20. Polišenská, K., Chiat, S., Szewczyk, J., Antonijevic-Elliott, S., Blom, E., Boerma, T., Bohnacker, U., Butcher, M., Calleja Tabone, N., Chan, A., Chondrogianni, V., Fitzmaurice, Y., Fu, N.C., Gatt, D., Grech, H., Haddad, R., Hamann, C., Hinnerichs, J., Holzinger, D., Jezek, M., Judge-Clayden, F., Kapalková, S., Kunnari, S., Mayer-Crittenden, C., O’Malley, M.P., Öberg, L., Oudgenoeg-Paz, O., Polatidou, A., Schwob, S., Shiyun, M., Skoruppa, K., Solveig, C., van den Berghe, R., Verhagen, J., White, M. (2022). Is the Crosslinguistic Nonword Repetition Test valid crosslinguistically? Evidence from performance in different language groups and countries. Paper presented at the 4th Bi-SLI Bi/multilingualism and Specific Language Impairment (Developmental Language Disorder) 2022 conference. Hybrid (Berlin, Zoom), 9 and 10 May 2022. **(acceptance rate: 25% for oral presentations, and 38% for posters)**

  21. *Hamdani, S., @Kan, R., Chan, A., Gagarina, N. & Armon-Lotem, S. (2021). Narrative and Morphosyntactic Competence in Bilingual Urdu-Speaking Children in Hong Kong and Pakistan: First Language Attrition and Incomplete Acquisition. The 46th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 46). Boston. 4-7 Nov 2021. Virtual Conference. Acceptance Rate: 44% out of 427 abstracts received.

  22. *Lai, J., Chan, A. & Matthews, S. (2021). A Corpus Study of Relative and Noun-modifying Clause Constructions in Cantonese-speaking Children’s Naturalistic Speech. The International Association for the Study of Child Language Conference (IASCL 2021). July 15-23, 2021. Virtual Conference.

  23. *Hamdani, S., @Kan, R., Chan, A., Chiat, S., Gagarina, N., Haman, E., Łuniewska, M., Polišenská, K., & Armon-Lotem, S. (2021). Identifying bilingual Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) using online testing: evidence from bilingual Urdu-Cantonese children. The International Association for the Study of Child Language Conference (IASCL 2021). July 15-23, 2021. Virtual Conference.

  24. @Yang, W.C., Chan, A. & Gagarina, N. (2021). Narrative comprehension abilities in ‘left-behind’ ethnic minority children in China: Evidence from Kam-Mandarin bilinguals. The 13th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB13). University of Warsaw, Poland. July 10-14 2021. Virtual Conference.


(e) Invited Talks in Recent Five Years (*student author, @postdoc)

  1. *Hamdani, S., @Kan, R., Chan, A. & Gagarina, N. (2021). Summarizing experience: Identifying bilingual DLD using online testing. Conference on LITMUS-MAIN: Online elicitation of narrative texts: Summarizing experience and making plans. Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS), Berlin. Virtual Conference.  25-27 Jan 2021.

  2. Chan, A. (2020). Some reflections on complex syntax and narrative abilities in Cantonese-speaking children: where are we? 2020 Forum on School-based Speech Therapy Services. Education and Manpower Bureau, Hong Kong. 10 July 2020.​

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